That center today hosted the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina in Franklin Lodge #96. One thing I have noticed recently, in my travels, is that the east coast lodges in the United States work a very different version of the ritual than that West Coast Lodges. This may have more to do with the Baltimore Convention than any "evolution" or "purity" of the ritual, since it appears that the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina did not attend the convention nor subscribe to its recommendations.
I mention this, because the opening ritual in the Third Degree is different from what I am used to, but also, in a strange way, very similar. Most Worshipful Gerald L. Carver, Grand Master and his grand line, together with the brothers from Franklin and Palmetto lodge opened the Grand Lodge in Ample Form and Pametto and Franklin lodge in due form. This means we had three of each officer at the stations. Very interesting.
They opened for the express purpose of the dedication and consecration of a Grave Marker for Past Grand Master, the Most Worshipful B. Rush Campbell, who served as Grand Master from 1860 – 1861. Most Worshipful Brother Campbell was a Past Master of Palmetto Lodge No. 19 AFM in Laurens. After opening the lodges, we adjourned to Magnolia Cemetery for the Grave Marker Dedication and Consecration ceremony.
It was a very moving day, and an interesting display of brotherly love and affection for a Past Grand Master who has been departed for almost 135 years.
May the blessings of heaven rest upon us and all regular masons. May brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us.
Are you sure you do not mean Savannah, Georgia as the location of Solomon #1?
Quite Sure. Solomon Lodge #1 is in Charleston, South Carolina. That is what the register says... 1735 with a UGLE charter, the first in the United States, currently under charter by the Grand Lodge Ancient Free Masons of the State of Georgia.
My applogies Bro. I did not realize there was one in SC as well. I figured since Charleston is relatively close to Savannah that maybe you went to that one. Here is a link to the lodge website.
Uh, just a small quibble but how could this Solomon Lodge be in Charleston and under charter from the Grand Lodge of Georgia?
Also, if you go www.solomonslodge.org and watch the introduction it clearly states the information you gave in the post about being chartered in 1735 for the Solomon Lodge in Savannah.
I do not know about the lodge in Georgia. The lodge here, I am informed by the brothers, is the lodge that was chartered originally by UGLE in 1735.
Organized as a Masonic lodge February 21, 1734, it's first Worshipful Master was General James Edward Oglethorpe, English soldier, statesman, humanitarian and founder of Georgia who raised the Flag of England at Savannah on February 12, 1733.
Chartered by the Grand Lodge of England in 1735 as the Lodge of Savannah in ye Province of Georgia, Solomon's is the oldest continuously operating English Constituted Lodge in the Western Hemisphere. In 1786 the Independent Grand Lodge of Georgia was created and proclaimed by concerted action of Solomon's and the one other lodge then existing in the state. Solomon's was chartered as the first lodge of Georgia.
From eminent Masonic authorities we learn that Solomon's Lodge in Charleston is the oldest Masonic body in South Carolina. Solomon's Lodge received its charter from Lord Weymouth, the Grand Master of the Masons of England. In 1735, and recorded on the register of that Grand Lodge as No. 45, but on the Provincial register as No. 1. It was not, however, for some unexplained, reason organized until Thursday, October 28, 1736 when a meeting was held for the first time in the province of South Carolina
Thank you very much, you have given me good information, and something to research now. I have another month here, so I will see what I can find out, and will post that as a blog entry.
You have piqued my curiosity, thank you!
Great article Brother Theron. Good to see that you are spreading Masonic Light and enjoying Masonic Fellowship. It is also encouraging to read of your positive Lodge experiences and of your travles. The Brethren send you a Masonic hug. Hurry up home and be safe.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Manny Blanco,PM
Moreno Valley Masonic Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, CA. G.L. of CA
As a Master Mason and SR 32 Mason I appreciate blogs and websites from brother Masons. Your Masonic readers will be interested to visit this blog post: http://www.cemeteryspot.com/blog/?p=119
I did a little research on the Solomon Lodge #1 in Savannah and the one in Charleston, and here is what I was able to find.
The charter for BOTH lodges arrived on the same ship. The brother with the charter that ended up in Savannah traveled overland, and opened his lodge, while in the interim, the brother in Charleston opened his lodge with the new charter.
Charleston, being the port when both brothers arrived, was closer for the Charleston brother, and hence his lodge opened (days it appears) before the one in Savannah, and there has been a good natured and brotherly competition between the two ever since as to which was the "first" chartered lodge opened in America.
Not having a dog in this hunt, I would favor simultanaity of provenance rather than arguing about days one way or the other.
And there you go.
My son Taylor O'Reilly is a mason who recently moved to Savannah Georgia. He is desperatley in need of work. He worked for me (I am also a mason 15+ years, past master) in my plumbing business. He is a quick learner, has incentive and iniative has worked as my apprentice. Does anyone have any knowledge of available work in any field?? Just trying to help him out while he is out pounding the pavement! He is 21, mature and ready to go. Please call him at 774-392-0868 or 774-238-2535 or email rizzie317@yahoo.com ANYTHING to help would be appreciated....
Robert O'Reilly
My son Taylor O'Reilly is a mason who recently moved to Savannah Georgia. He is desperatley in need of work. He worked for me (I am also a mason 15+ years, past master) in my plumbing business. He is a quick learner, has incentive and iniative has worked as my apprentice. Does anyone have any knowledge of available work in any field?? Just trying to help him out while he is out pounding the pavement! He is 21, mature and ready to go. Please call him at 774-392-0868 or 774-238-2535 or email rizzie317@yahoo.com ANYTHING to help would be appreciated....
Robert O'Reilly
My son Taylor O'Reilly is a mason who recently moved to Savannah Georgia. He is desperatley in need of work. He worked for me (I am also a mason 15+ years, past master) in my plumbing business. He is a quick learner, has incentive and iniative has worked as my apprentice. Does anyone have any knowledge of available work in any field?? Just trying to help him out while he is out pounding the pavement! He is 21, mature and ready to go. Please call him at 774-392-0868 or 774-238-2535 or email rizzie317@yahoo.com ANYTHING to help would be appreciated....
Robert O'Reilly
My son Taylor O'Reilly is a mason who recently moved to Savannah Georgia. He is desperatley in need of work. He worked for me (I am also a mason 15+ years, past master) in my plumbing business. He is a quick learner, has incentive and iniative has worked as my apprentice. Does anyone have any knowledge of available work in any field?? Just trying to help him out while he is out pounding the pavement! He is 21, mature and ready to go. Please call him at 774-392-0868 or 774-238-2535 or email rizzie317@yahoo.com ANYTHING to help would be appreciated....
Robert O'Reilly
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Freemasonry has a philosophy of "Making Good Men Better" and is very proud of this. Only individuals therefore who are believed to be of good character would be considered for membership, It is best if you join a Lodge in your local community or where you already have some friends who are members. If you know anyone who is a Mason then just ask him about it as any Mason will be happy to talk to you about becoming a member of the Fraternity he is proud of. If you do not know of anyone who can help you join then feel free to send an e-mail to our Lodge Secretary who will be happy to give you information about the locality of Lodges in your area, or how to become a member of The Celtic Lodge. Contact Brother Roland Mark PM Lodge Email: Markroland08011@gmail.com
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