This has just come to my attention from Tim Bryce, who we all know as a reliable source of information via his Yahoo Group that he has it from a reliable source that last Monday, Florida's Prince Hall Grand Lodge has recognized the Grand Lodge of Florida (unilaterally). I offer this in the sincere hope that it is correct. I will post more as I hear it.
Below is the passed resolution which is being sent to the Grand Master of Florida prior to the upcoming Grand Communications:
Whereas, The Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge Most Ancient & Honorable Fraternity Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated of Florida; Belize, Central America Jurisdiction, Incorporated is a regular Grand Lodge originating from African Lodge No 459, which is descendant from the United Grand Lodge of England, and is the sole and supreme Masonic authority over its constituents and Jurisdictions; and
Whereas, the Grand Lodge of Florida F&AM is a regular Grand lodge and descendant from the United Grand Lodge of England and is the sole and supreme Masonic authority over its constituents and Jurisdictions; and
Whereas, both Grand Lodges have and shall by mutual consent and amity administer its own affairs and maintain independent autonomy within its respective jurisdictions;
Therefore, be it resolved that The Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge Most Ancient & Honorable Fraternity Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated of Florida; Belize, Central America Incorporated hereby recognizes the Grand Lodge of Florida F&AM and provides it as full and complete recognition as may be reciprocated by said Grand Lodge;
Be it further resolved that The Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge Most Ancient & Honorable Fraternity Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated of Florida; Belize, Central America, incorporated hereby recognizes, and will as of this date recognize without further Grand Lodge vote, each Grand Lodge that does not state that it does not want to be recognized by our Grand Lodge, and that is recognized, and continues to be recognized, by any sister Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodge, and/or the Grand Lodge of Florida F&AM, and/or the United Grand Lodge of England as long as our sister Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodge and/or the Grand Lodge of Florida F&AM does not object to our recognizing said Grand Lodge(s);
This recognition by The Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge Most Ancient & Honorable Fraternity Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated of Florida; Belize, Central America, Incorporated of a Grand Lodge in another jurisdiction will be to the same extent as the recognition by any Prince Hall Grand Lodge that is in amity with it.
Sounds like an interesting Grand Communications is coming up in Florida! May they make the right choice and accept the hand they are being offered in brotherly love.
May the blessing of heaven rest upon us and all regular masons. May brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue, cement us!
Theron, you used the word "unilaterally."
When it came to recognition in my jurisdiction a number of years ago, while one Grand Lodge recognised the other first, it was far from unilateral. There had been brief informal discussions going on between the two Grand Masters of the two jurisdictions about bringing about recognition ('brief' because neither saw any difficulties; it turned out there were none).
Out of curiosity, as I don't know the Florida background, I'd be interested to learn if similar informal discussions have been, or are currently, going on.
Justa Mason
Yes, I wrote UNILATERALLY with deliberation. It is my information that the GMoFL has NOT been in any kind of discussion with the GMoFL PHA.
Time will tell.
Brother Theron,
Thank you for sharing this news. It is far too common to hear bad news. It is refreshing to hear some good news for a change.
I think that this is a great move on the part of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Florida PHA to do this. Now the ball is in the Grand Lodge of Florida's court. I am interested to see if they reciprocate. I certainly hope so.
Time will indeed tell as you so aptly mentioned. Time marches on and we are riding the wave of history.
As a member of the MWUGL Florida P.H.A, I find this very exciting, and look forward to the future.
Prior to my membership with the MWUGL Florida P.H.A. I was a member under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of California F&AM and found the relationship, and recognition, given to Prince Hall brethren both beneficial and mutual.
A mason is a mason, nothing, and no one can ever change that.
I am member of the MWUGL of FL and it was wonderful to be present at such a monumental moment at my first Grand Lodge session, no less! I don't think there was any kind of discussion between the two Grand Lodges, but I think there have been some informal strides taken on behalf of the brethren on both sides at a local level. For instance during a St. John's Day service there was a member present from the local Lodge under the Grand Lodge of FL. As mentioned earlier the ball is in their court now...
I am member of the MWUGL of FL and it was wonderful to be present at such a monumental moment at my first Grand Lodge session, no less! I don't think there was any kind of discussion between the two Grand Lodges, but I think there have been some informal strides taken on behalf of the brethren on both sides at a local level. For instance during a St. John's Day service there was a member present from the local Lodge under the Grand Lodge of FL. As mentioned earlier the ball is in their court now...
That's wonderful on the behalf of GLoFL PHA. The record will show that a hand was extended in Brotherly love. From my experience with Florida Masons, many want to reconize PH Masonry. Only time will tell if Florida does the right thing.
We are all children of God.. we all are masons and men not children.. 32 Sr Knight
I agree..brothers we all took on kjv.bible w 133 all ready
I am a proud fl free mason. But for most gods rules are first over all things. 133 hope i can help aid ????????/G\ 32 kt no.7
We come from god. We should come together. The Lord said come together as 1 .. smib to all my Brothers and sisters AMEN
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