"The ultimate success of Masonry depends on the intelligence of her disciples." - Albert MackeyA significant group of passionate Masons are coming together to create what aims to be nothing less than the premiere North American research society in Freemasonry. Called simply The Masonic Society, we are gathering together brothers who have a deep and abiding desire to seek knowledge, explore history, discover symbolism, debate philosophies, and in short, who will be at the forefront of charting a path for the future of Freemasonry.
Students of Freemasonry are invited to join in the formation of this new and exciting organization.
The name, The Masonic Society, intentionally alludes to the Royal Society, the innovative organization of visionary men who were at the forefront of the Age of Enlightenment, many of whom were present at the formation of what became modern Freemasonry. Likewise, the new Society will be at the forefront of a new age of Freemasonry, and intends to be a vibrant, active community within the fraternity.
The goal of The Masonic Society is not just to look backward at the history of Freemasonry, but to foster the intellectual, spiritual and social growth of the modern Masonic fraternity.
To that end, The Masonic Society extends the hand of assistance and cooperation to individual Masonic research lodges in North America. It is the desire of The Masonic Society to be a partner with these lodges, to give their members the regular opportunity to publish their papers for an international audience, and to publicize their activities.
The Masonic Society is also forging a special relationship with those bodies that meet annually during Masonic Week, as well as the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar and the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. While not designed as a York Rite-specific research group, The Masonic Society encourages examination of this branch of Freemasonry.
Membership in The Masonic Society is $39 per year ($49 outside of the U.S. & Canada). Benefits will include:
• Commemorative pin, patent of membership, and dues card.
• The quarterly Journal of The Masonic Society will present articles that enlighten our past, and explore solutions to the challenges facing Freemasonry today and tomorrow. The Journal will feature articles by the best-known authors in Freemasonry, as well as the brethren from the lodges in your neighborhood. There will also be articles from the non-Masonic academic world that is looking with greater interest than ever at our fraternity and its place in society. We'll bring you timely Masonic news, photos and commentary from around the globe, in full color. The Journal will also feature advertising from a select group of publishers, regalia manufacturers, and fraternal supply companies which specialize in products specific to Freemasons – the only magazine of its kind to do so in America and Canada.
• Members-only access to the Masonic Society online Internet forum.
• Annual First Circle gatherings – Each year, The Masonic Society will be an active participant in the Allied Masonic Degrees "Masonic Week," held in February in Alexandria, Virginia. This will include the annual First Circle gathering. An additional symposium will be held elsewhere in the US or Canada once a year. These events will be educational, informative, but most of all, fun and memorable to attend.
Fellows of the Masonic Society will be named each year, in recognition of their contribution to the body of knowledge of the fraternity, through their writing, their Internet presence, their service to the Society, or their labors for Freemasonry.
Founding Fellows:
John Belton; Yasha Beresiner; Paul M. Bessel; Timothy D. Bonney; Clayton J. Borne, III; Nathan C. Brindle; Justin Budreau; Allan L. Casalou; Marc Conrad; John L. Cooper, III; Robert L. D. Cooper; Robert G. Davis; Stephen Dafoe; Eric Diamond; R. Steven Doan; Shawn Eyer; Bruno Gazzo; Edward Halpaus; John R. Heisner; Kent Henderson; Jay Hochberg; Christopher L. Hodapp; Thomas W. Jackson; Adam G. Kendall; Edward L. King; Fred Kleyn; William H. Koon, II; Robert Lomas; Ronald D. Martin; S. Brent Morris; Jeffrey Naylor; Charles Munro; Pete Normand; Richard Num; Michael R. Poll; W. Bruce Pruitt; David L. Revels; Alton Roundtree; Eric Schmitz; Michael L. Sellick; George D. Seghers; Aaron M. Shoemaker; Cory Sigler; Mark Stavish; Mark Tabbert; Roger S. Van Gorden; Duane Vaught; William Wine; Leon Zeldis;
Excellent news. I hope to see this be wildly successful.
And again I say, "Ok, so you can copy and paste some information into your blog. But what is your opinion on the Masonic Society? Is it worth it?"
Good point, and I appreciate your taking the time to leave it. I joined the Society YESTERDAY, and as such, I have no more opinion of it than the announcement I copied and pasted here.
I personally know many of the Founders, and have dealt with most of the rest over the years. Based on that alone, I forked over the $39. As I experience anything with the group, I will, as I have done in the past, share more.
Meantime, it seems a good exercise in Masonic Education to get together men with an interest in researched historical freemasonry. Chris Hodapp, John Cooper and Adam Kendall are just THREE on that list whom I have a great admiration for in terms of Masonic Education and knowledge. MW Doan and Paul Bessel I know of as great minds and founts of knowledge.
So being a member of this group cannot help but pass on some good information... hence the recommendation.
I'm confused?
How does one improve something already perfect?
That seems like an admission of "something" lacking, and if so, how can something so great lack anything thing?
Who do these men think they are to claim MY Anglo Freemasonry is lacking "something"?
Why do men with Minds continue to down grade MY Freemasonry that I love so much?
Can't we all just get along?
What is so wrong with Anglo Masonry being nothing more than non-profit? Where we are volunteers?
Looking to pass the time and get a few Titles along the way?
T. Dunce...
Could you repeat that in English please?
why is this group needed?
i thought american freemasonry was perfect the way it was,
just a non profit fraternal org.
nothing more!
why would we need such a group?
a change to our meaning?
we are volunteers here in america, nothing more
Dunce wrote:
ok. Why is this group needed?
That's a surprisingly fair question. The reason is to spread the light, to share insights and views, to grow as Masons. Its nothing new. The Quarum Coronati and Philalethes and the Grand Lodge Research Lodges are ALL efforts to spread the light and to learn more. This is one more example of spreading the light.
thought American freemasonry was perfect the way it was, just a non profit fraternal org.
nothing more!
This is a non sequiteur and does not follow. The Masonic Society is for Masonic Education and Learning. American Freemasonry is SO MUCH more than just a non profit. That you even write such a thing declares you really don't get Freemasonry. I am sorry about that.
Why would we need such a group?
Perhaps you haven't been exposed to Freemasonry? Its all about learning and becoming a better man through the most excellent tenets of our fraternity. We study these, and write and discuss these tenets that we might polish our ashlars and become better men.
a change to our meaning?
Same meaning its always had... just another way of spreading the light of knowledge.
We are volunteers here in America, nothing more
Sorry to hear about your group. My Freemasonry is so much more vibrant and alive. It makes a difference in my life every single day. I wish better for you. Perhaps when you join a lodge you might learn better?
I've only just heard the news of your hospitalization: my thoughts and prayers are with you. Fight the fight, Brother, and come back to us.
Yours Faithfully,
Mike Halleran
Wonderful idea, I look forward to seeing it reach fruition; however, my only concern is how will the Prince Hall perspective be logged into the annals of Masonry?
At about 12:20 PM, Tuesday, May 13, at Kaiser Hospital in Riverside, Ca, Our Brother, Theron Dunn joined the Great Architect of the Universe in HIS Lodge.
Our Brother faught a good fight, but his body could no longer put up that fight. All will be pleased to know he had no pain or suffering in his last days. And I believe the last face he saw was that of his Loving Wife, Barbara. During his time in the hospital, she stood valiantly at his side.
It was his wish that his body be cremated and there will be a Memorial Service in the next month or so. I will give you as much notice as possible, as to the location, date and time of the event. It WILL be a Masonic Memorial Service held within a Lodge of Master Masons. The wishes and desires of our departed Brother, his family and Masonry in general are all being considered. I am assuming there will be quite a number of you attending and will do all in our power to provide for Brother Theron; a replica of the Masonic Funeral he witnessed when his Grandfather passed away a number of years ago. That funeral was the reason he sought out Masonry.
Our Brother, was loved and honored by many around the Globe. He worked hard in the Lodges of our District and he loved the Craft like many of us do, with our whole hearts. He may have had his controversial moments, but no one could ever accuse him of being "disconnected".
So we just stay to him
"Until then, my Brother, until then; FAREWELL
I am a member of J.I.Martin #701 F&AM)PHA)Phillips 46A HRAM,Andrew Stewart Council#2 R&S, ST John Commandery #3 KT and a member of the Phylaxis Society under the jurisdiction of M.W. Stringer Grand Lodge F&AM(PHA) I am in good standing. I wish I was able to join the Masonic Society I believe there is a lot of knowledge I could gain, but because I am in the Great State of MISSISSIPPI and we are not recognize by the Grand Lodge of State so I can not join according to what I read on who can join. Maybe this will change in my life time. I do not know the reason why or if we have reach out or if they have reach out to us that Is something I am looking into. I have had some of their member ask how come and I ask them the same but I wait and wait...
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Freemasonry has a philosophy of "Making Good Men Better" and is very proud of this. Only individuals therefore who are believed to be of good character would be considered for membership, It is best if you join a Lodge in your local community or where you already have some friends who are members. If you know anyone who is a Mason then just ask him about it as any Mason will be happy to talk to you about becoming a member of the Fraternity he is proud of. If you do not know of anyone who can help you join then feel free to send an e-mail to our Lodge Secretary who will be happy to give you information about the locality of Lodges in your area, or how to become a member of The Celtic Lodge. Contact Brother Roland Mark PM Lodge Email: Markroland08011@gmail.com
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